Workshops mit
Diego Bado und María Cristina Dos Santos

Samstag 7. März

Workshop 1 – «Axis management»

17:00 – 18:30 Uhr

Tools for the conscious management of the different relations of axes between the members of the couple (parallel, in colgadas, in volcadas, in elastic movements).

Workshop 2 – «Dance and let dance»

19:00 – 20:30 Uhr

The active participation of the follower: Tango as a true dialogue.
Generating spaces to the proposal of the follower. Being available for the follower’s proposal.

Ab 21 Uhr Milonga mit Showauftritt von Diego und María Cristina.

Sonntag 8. März

Workshop 3 – «Rhythmic orchestras»

16:00 – 17:30 Uhr

Discovering the musical possibilities of the rhythmic orchestras.
Syncopes, rebounds, crosses, amagues, traspiés: sequences and some techniques.

Workshop 4 – «Creativity for milonga»

18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Improvisation and creativity in the milonga rhythm. Creating new sequences using the basic elements of dance.

Workshops für alle Niveaus geeignet.

4 Workshops als Komplettpaket, auch einzeln oder tageweise zu buchen.

Anmeldung bitte paarweise schriftlich.


1 WS: 32,- € / 24,- €
2 WS: 60,- € / 45,- €
3 WS: 84,- € / 63,- €
4 WS: 104,- € / 78,- €

Milonga: 9,- € / 6,- €

Ab Buchung von mindestens 2 Workshops ist der Eintritt für die Milonga inbegriffen. Bei Buchung von einem Workshop ist der Eintritt ermäßigt (4,50 €).

Ermäßigung für Kursteilnehmer, Studenten und Auszubildende.

Privatstunden in begrenztem Umfang möglich.

Diego Bado & María Cristina Dos Santos

About Diego

Diego Bado is an integral artist within the discipline of tango.
He is a dancer, teacher, producer, writer and cultural manager specialized in tango dance, with 15 years of experience in the main capitals of tango of the world.

Since he was very young he trained in the best tango schools of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, and has deepened his studies continuously for more than 12 years.

As a professional dancer he obtained the first price in the Championship of tango of Montevideo, his hometown, in 2015, and has been traveling representing his country for the last 8 years in more than 20 cities from all around the world.

He specialized as a tango teacher, and traveled throughout Europe and South America since 2012, developing his own methodology, with solid theoretical foundations.

As a producer and cultural manager, he has worked in the production of important tango companies (DNI Tango of Buenos Aires, Compañía Tierra Adentro of Montevideo), major festivals (Festival Tango Salón Extremo in Buenos Aires, Día Nacional del Abrazo in Bogotá), and has organized around one hundred milongas for almost a decade, in Montevideo and Buenos Aires (Milonga del Chau Che Clu, Milonga La Bicicleta, Milongas al Mediodía del Teatro Solis, among many others)

More infos:

About María Cristina

María Cristina Dos Santos began studying traditional Uruguayan dances at the age of 12. She developed as a professional dancer and teacher of Tango and Folklore, and obtained her degree from the Folkloric Dance Career of the Escuela Nacional de Danza de Uruguay (Sodre) in 2014. Today she is complementing her studies in Contemporary Dance in the same institution, and constantly training with the best teachers of Buenos Aires since she was 18.

She received the first prize in the tango championship: “Reyes de la milonga” of the institution Joventango in 2011. She was also Vice Champion of the national championship of Uruguay, and qualified to the World Tango Championship of Buenos Aires representing her country in 2011.

She has a long career as a performer and specially as a teacher of Tango, Folklore and body expression in the most important institutions of Montevideo and also in different regions of Latin America and Europe. Today, she is a Certified Teacher of Typical Rioplatenses Dances for Primary Schools of Uruguay, teaching children of all ages to dance Tango and Folklore.

Recently, she participated as main dancer in the main Stage of the Montevideo Tango Festival in its first edition, in October 2018.

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